
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The OTHER path!

Sometimes we just make the dumbest decisions in life and love.  We rarely think things through with enough time, focus, sensibility, and rationality when trying to focus on the big picture as it pertains to things of a personal nature.  I think we are swayed many times by hearing what we want to hear... even if it cannot be true.  "Thats what ive ALWAYS wanted to hear!"  We see something that just looks so perfect and we convince ourselves that it has to be, and yet its a mirage.  What makes us take the more dangerous option when it comes to letting others into our hearts?  We see something thats safe, its well planned, its thought out, its a straight shot to the other side where happiness and truth can be found, and its already waiting... yet, we opt for the other path!  Why?  Maybe we think we will get to the end of that path and what is waiting there FASTER than we are ready for?  The other path...The path thats NOT safe, NOT proven, NOT tested.  Its lined with trap after trap, its bumpy, rocky, and hilly, its never an easy navigation through this path.  This path takes pain and suffering to get through... but it what makes it so tempting for everyone? 

Ive learned several things over the past few years since my marriage came to an end.  These were lessons that were painful, and they have not truly been disproven to date!  Lets analyze:

*Chicks DIG the A-HOLE!!!  Thats right!  Its PROVEN!  None will agree, of course, but they dont have to agree verbally as they make the choice everytime!  What makes a man an A-Hole?  Is this an inherited gene?  Is it a learned trait?  Is there a school for A-Holes?
*Chicks DIG the BAD BOY!!!  Bad Boy syndrome!  This can be interpreted many different ways, whether you ride a motorcycle, whether your a drinker and/or a smoker, if you love barhopping with friends, whether you have a love affair with a bong or rolling papers, whether you are a proven womanizer, whether you just have a non commital attitude toward relationships.  You dont even have to be a handsome guy to get a chick if youre a Bad Boy. ... either of these traits, or combos including these traits, will get you the girl!  BEWARE BAD BOYS!!!  If you are a BadBoy and you GET the girl, do NOT commit to her!  For the love of God, do NOT use the L WORD...If you do, the Bad Boy appeal is gone.  The chase has ended.  Then, you find yourself as just another shmuck thats about to be dropped quicker than ACID at WOODSTOCK!
*The WORSE you treat a woman, the MORE she hangs on!!!  Again... its been PROVEN!  Now, I can only speculate, but I assume that a woman does NOT have to be happy to be in a relationship.  I mean, ive seen women be IGNORED, BEAT UP, RIDICULED, HARRASSED, EMBARRASSED, and HURT, both EMOTIONALLY and PHYSICALLY.  Of course, I dont believe for one minute that a woman likes to be hit in the face, kicked, verbally abused, spat on, or cheated on, but they seem to respond favorably to that junk!  The woman just hangs right in there with em!  Now THAT my friends is dedication... but BLINDLY DEDICATED is dangerous! 
*The L WORD is KRYPTONITE to todays women!  They dont wanna hear that word out of a mans mouth, or any form of that word a man may try to subdue todays woman with!  They dont want to see it in a mans eyes.  They dont want to use the L Word unless they are discussing shoes, purses, their daddy, their first boyfriend, their last boyfriend, their experimental stage in college, their college professor, or their kitty/puppy.  If you WANT your date to end quickly... say "I think im falling for you"!  Your date will JUMP from a moving vehicle on Interstate I-81s mile marker 13 to end that date!  Dont believe me... try it! (dont try it... vehicular homicide is no laughing matter, and i waive all responsibility for any attempt)

I guess times truly have changed in the world today.  My dad told me to always RESPECT a woman.  Pull out a womans chair for her, open the car/truck door, take her by the hand or arm to let her know youre there to lean on, open the door for her and allow her to enter the room first, so all eyes are directed to her, and assume your place beside her.  Call her (or text her in 2010) for no other reason but to let her know youre thinking of her.  Listen to her talk about her day, and give her the chance to talk first.  Surprise her with dinner that you cook and not with your choice of restaurant.  NEVER EVER HIT a woman!  Never talk AT a woman, never CURSE a woman, never  BELITTLE her, never cause her to feel like shes a failure, unworthy, unloved, unwanted, unpretty, or distrusted.  Hmmm... well I believe with all my heart that this was more than enough to win the heart of ANY WOMAN in years passed.  Once the year 2000 rolled around, its as if women became the men of old, that never appreciated the sweet sentiments and loving gestures.  Those gestures and sentiments today mean absolutely nothing to noone!  Its out of date relationship advice I suppose, and that is very sad because I truly wanted that sort of relationship for myself.

No longer can I honestly say "True Love Never Fails"...  At least not in ALL SITUATIONS!  I believe in true love and I believe if 2 PEOPLE have TRUE LOVE in their hearts, minds, and souls for their partner, that theirs NO OBSTACLE they cannot overcome.  But if only 1 PERSON has true love, it is not enough, and will never be enough.  You cannot make another person see the good in you.  You cant make another person love you.  You can only hope that you show them enough love and enough respect to gain access to their hearts through charity, hope, passion, sensitivity, charm, and genuine affection.  When the other person has the on-ramp to their heart closed down, theirs just no way.  You can persist... you can remain constant and true... and you can hope... and pray... and perhaps one day that on-ramp will open up, and you will be able to bring love to their heart and soul.  If you are so lucky, never EVER take that for granted!  :-)

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