
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Top 10 Things That Are Eaton Me Alive... and THE ONE!

  Since im new at this, and theirs lots thats been so heavy on my mind lately, I think its only fair that I give another one of my local voices his moment in the sun today.  So since im a very random person, and my thoughts change to a new topic within seconds of discovery of one topic, lets see where the TOP 10 things on my mind goes from here:

Top 10 things on my mind currently:

10.. Will Brett Favre actually retire before this season starts (and will he UNretire for a 3rd time?)?
9.... Will it be chilibeans or hotdogs this evening for dinner... or will I get takeout in lue of cookin anything?
8.... How much longer will mom be having her yardsale before I go down and help her pack it in?
7.... Will Bret (my son, not Favre) actually calll me for a ride home from work today?
6.... Will I get to go see "The Other Guys" at the movie theater on Friday Night as I hope? 
5.... Will I get to go play some basketball with friends soon (being as how im becoming more out of shape each and every day that passes!)?
4.... Will I have a freakin heat stroke if I get out there and mow this yard in a few moments?  (better not take that chance im afraid! LOL)
3.... Will I get to hit Hooters this Sunday Night to watch the Bengals and Cowgirls kick off the NFL preseason with Hooterburgers and Hootergirls all around?!
2.... Hoping that many of my friends that are going through some rough situations become more stable and secure in their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and are able to come out winners on the other side of their trials, tribulations, worries, fears, and stresses.
1.... Can I possibly find stability and security in MY OWN thoughts, feelings, and emotions?

Things are not all bad in the world lately.  I have some positives to build on for the future after all. 

*Lebron James, Chris Bosh, & Zydrunas Ilgauskas join Dwayne Wade and Udonis Haslem in Miami, insuring that I will get to see AMPLE TELEVISED GAMES of the Miami Heat in 2010-11!
*The Florida Marlins have some great pitching this season... now if they can just get some bats for 2011 and hang onto the aforementioned starting pitching of this season!
*The Broncos got a scare, and so did I, when Moreno AND Buckhalter went down with pretty much the same injury doing the same drills in camp, but all should be fine by the start of the regular season for both!  WHEW!!!  Thank God Tim Tebow is around... he could be RB #3 if necessary!  What a wildcat they could run!  LOL
*"The Other Guys" and "The Expendables" are coming up in the next 2 weeks back to back, and with "Friday Night Lights" Season 4 hitting DVD on August 17 at the same time as "Dexter" Season 4, so i'll have lots to keep my feeble mind entertained visually.
*Season 3 of "Chuck" hits DVD on September 7.  I didnt watch Season 3 at all as it aired on tv, but im stoked about seeing Sara... I MEAN CHUCK... ok... both!  LOL
*Cant wait for "How I Met Your Mother" Season 5 to hit DVD September 21, on the same day as "Two and A Half Men" Season 7!  Happy early Birthday to me! 
*Gonna give "Saw 3D" some much anticipated and hyped up love right here!  October 29... book it!  Already got a date for that date!  I wonder if I can talk her into the MIDNIGHT SHOWING even with a Friday workday following?  :-)
*I, as well as my children, are healthy and my mom is doing very well!
*I have a roof over my head, good clothes on my back, food in my cabinets, a cell phone to be reached should I be wanted, a computer to play on, satellite tv to keep up with sports and tv shows I love, a truck to get me where im going, and a job to ensure that I am capable of retaining these things.
*I have great friends, in addition to my family, that encourage and promote the good values I possess.
*I know what it means to love someone and be capable of an unconditional love.
*God is STILL God, and ive sown alot of great seeds into others that I havent even begun to reap a harvest from yet... ah, EXPECTANCY!  :-)

I get down sometimes... as we all do on occassion.  I get lonely.  I want that closeness that a loving woman would provide.  Im always looking for THE ONE, but what if I havent been truly ready for THE ONE just yet!  What if I am still in preparation mode emotionally and spiritually.  Its all about timing!  Bad timing can break your heart.  It did that to me recently.  You have someone in your life that you just KNOW that its right.  The connection is there, and that unmistakable chemistry!  The common interests are there.  The morals and values that I want to find in THE ONE are there!  Shes attractive, with a magnetic personality.  Shes sexy, confident, and just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!  And together... its obvious and apparent that she felt everything I did!  Wheres the justice in that?  Life isnt fair, never claimed to be fair, wont ever be fair, and its things like this that are constant reminders of such!  For everything we did have there, theirs that ONE LITTLE THING... the timing... thats what is NOT THERE!  So, theirs really not much comfort in knowing you have such a great thing right in front of you, but cannot take it where it COULD go.  Words and phrases like "almost", "if only", "im sorry", and "in the future" just seem to cut a little deeper, make you heart ache even more, and provide no real solice. 

We have become great friends, and I cherish the friendship we have.  Since then, ive found a few friendships that I would not have attained were it not for the bad timing of THE ONE that got away.  Theirs nothing to really help ease the pain from finding, and subsequently losing, THE aforementioned ONE!  Time will heal, but time is a cruel joke!  How much time do we all have?  Life is all about making the most of every opportunity, and when opportunity slips right between your fingers... well, how many more opportunities present themselves in life?  How much time do we have to find each new opportunity?  Time itself is fleeting... it never stands still.  Its always moving along, even when we ourselves do not move at all.  Should I sleep, knowing that life is still going on during said sleep?  Should I allow timing to steal what I know in my heart is something ive waited for, longed for, desired for so long?  What if this was true love?  The love we always hear about others finding, the love that so many find and never look back?  Well, it takes two to tango, and since I dont tango... ONE has to wonder...

Heres to the future... IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES... ( wow, I hope that doesnt have copyrights to infringe upon!)  LOL

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